Meta tags analyzing tool

URL to check

Meta Tags Analyzer is a free online tool that can analyze a webpage's meta tags. It provides information about the webpage's title tag, meta description, and other meta tags, as well as recommendations for improving them.

How Many Characters Can I Use in the Title Tag?

The number of characters you can use in a Title tag depends on the specific search engine or web service that you are targeting. However, as a general rule of thumb, it is recommended to keep your Title tag under 54 characters to ensure that it displays properly in search engine results pages (SERPs).

It is also important to ensure that your Title tags accurately reflect the content of the webpage and contain relevant keywords. This can help to improve the visibility and click-through rate of your webpage in search results. Remember to avoid over-optimizing Title tags with excessive keyword stuffing, which can be viewed as spammy and may result in penalties from search engines.

How Many Characters Can I Use in the Description?

The recommended length for a meta description tag is typically between 120 to 160 characters. However, search engines like Google and Yandex sometimes have been known to display longer descriptions in their search results, up to a maximum of around 320 characters.

It is important to note that while meta description length is not a direct ranking factor, it can still have an impact on click-through rates (CTR) from search results. A well-crafted, compelling meta description that accurately reflects the content of the webpage and includes relevant keywords can help to increase the CTR of the webpage in search results.

It is also important to avoid over-optimizing meta descriptions with excessive keyword stuffing or making them too generic and uninformative. Instead, focus on providing a concise, informative summary of the webpage's content that entices users to click through to your website.